Accelerate UK

BEC was approached by the UK Department of International Trade in relation to supporting companies from Latin America who were looking to explore & expand their businesses into the UK market.

Part-1 was the creation of a one-day intensive programme that would cover essential topics in relation to exploring entering new markets internationally with a particular focus on entering the UK.

Part-2 of Accelerate UK was a venture showcase event which would allow the participating businesses to have an opportunity to present & pitch their business.


In specific the DIT wanted to support businesses from Argentina, Chile & Uruguay. In response to the DIT’s requirements, BEC created a 2-part solution that would help the selected businesses to not only gain the knowledge they need in relation to the UK market but also gain exposure to potential partners, investors and other opportunities.

What participants have said

"Accelerate UK 2022 was a great place to be. Sharing thoughs with other competitors, receiving tips from UK VCs or entrepreuners, very helpful for our Deck construction and business planning. Thanks for giving us this chance."

Nicolas Balestrini

COO - Co-Founder,


"Accelerate UK gave us the opportunity to learn important lessons from VCs and ask them questions you don't always have the opportunity to ask in a personal one-to-one talk. Despite having prior knowledge of pitching and venture capital, we gained insights regarding how investors choose their portfolio companies, and the do's and don'ts of pitching. It was a great learning opportunity."

Marcos Bruno

Co-Founder and Data Engineering Lead,

Merovingian Data

Who did we support?

Businesses from

How did it go?

Over 26 Participants
Delivery Type: Remote Delivery.
Location: Argentia
Duration: 4 Days

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